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Articles starting with 'K':

KAMRA Inlay Approved in the US as Treatment of Presbyopia
"Presbyopia" is a naturally-occurring condition that usually appears as people enter their forties and makes reading materials blurry without the use of reading glasses or multifocal lenses. In presbyopia, the crystalline lens inside the eye becomes thicker and more difficult to change shape to keep small print, computers or hobby materials clear. This is not a disease or an abnormality, but is a normal change associated with aging. There is no “cure” for presbyopia, but mo... Read More

Keep Eyes Safely On The Ball
Keep Eyes Safely On The Ball "Most youth sporting leagues don t require protective eyewear so parents should take special care to ensure their children s eye safety." Noah was seven years old when an errant paintball smashed into his left eye and sent him from the sidelines of his brothers game to the emergency room. "I remember being very dizzy and I couldn t stop vomiting " said Noah. "I had to wait in the hospital for my eye pressure to go down and for all the blood to drain out of my ey... Read More

Keep Your Eyes Beautiful With Safe Makeup Tips
"Makeup is a part of many women s everyday routine but they should be aware that improperly applied makeup is a risk to the eye" Department store and drugstore makeup aisles are filled with a tempting array of makeup colors and products for the eyes. But knowing how to apply and remove eye makeup properly will not only make your eyes beautiful but will protect your vision as well. "Makeup is a part of many women s everyday routine but they should be aware that improperly applied makeup is a... Read More

Keratoconus (ker-ah-to-ko’-nus) means to have a ‘coned-shaped cornea’. It is a relatively common and non-inflammatory progressive disorder whereby the normally round cornea becomes thin and irregularly conically shaped. The abnormal shape of the cornea prevents the light from correctly focusing on the retina. Called irregular astigmatism it results in blurred vision and visual distortions. Nearly 10 per cent of new cases of keratoconus show some level of genetic transmiss... Read More

Keratoconus: Better Treatment and Better Prognosis
From the Greek words “kerato,” which means cornea and “konus,” meaning cone-shaped, keratoconus is a progressive condition which causes the normally dome-shaped clear cornea to become thinner and irregularly-shaped. Because the cornea is the main refractive surface of the eye, any irregularities in its shape or curvature cause vision to become distorted and blurry. In figure 1, the photo simulates what someone with uncorrected keratoconus might see; some objects may... Read More

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